April 7, 2013

never get enough

Some parts of heaven of Indonesia
never get tired to visit those heavens
too much.. too beautiful
but somehow, these eyes never get enough to eat them
want more and more
..never bored..

Bromo's cloud ocean

.. Good Morning Dad ..

okay, you guys are men. why must run? -___-

simply hotel.. that's good side only..

..pick me up out of here..

Papuma with 'fire' ;)

wooden forest.. awsome romantic road

yeah we're alayers


that waves are rolling me up and down, right and left.. how strong you are

kind of happiness.. kind of family-ness (isn't it?)

Beach always makes me excited!

down side of Bromo Mountain.. 
sands.. horse.. green..

daddy and his daughter.. :*

ready to make your body wet? :p

karaoke in the middle of the night
sounds like our ritual :p

when the sun too shy to face me up
come on.. I love you..
what a beautiful color on that sky.. Subhanallah..

at the crater of Bromo Mountain

horse rider..yihaaaa~

the crater of Bromo Mountain
what is he doing?
cook the water?

-jungle people- hwehehe

..with my father's family..
..March 28th-30th, 2013..

got some tragedies at those places but everything was fine enough
Allah blesses us in everywhere
Thanks God, you gave me them, you take us safe, you make my eyes so satisfied
I love you
what's next?

Semarang, Jogja, Solo and Bandung
wait your turn.. :)

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