December 13, 2012

2nd Regeneration (Day 2)

Nightlife already passed. we're getting tired, just have about 3 hours to sleep.. but yeah, here we are, could you mind if you just fall asleep and have few experiences? so, get up and face the world!!!

after have a breakfast, all of us have to sit and quite in the hall. not that quite but the participants have to hear and understand about the next lecture, the basic organization, and the lecturer is Kak Ayu. hmm, she's so beautiful and friendly, have you already awaken guys? there's a pretty lecturer. :D enjoy the lecture.. \(^^)/

we play some games after that. for the first, we play indoor or in the hall. we play "sammy says" (I already forget who's that, sammy or tommy or paijo, i dont care..).if the mc said, "sammy says" so you have do it,but if the mc didnt say "sammy says" before he told the command so you dont do that. only sammy can command you. for example the mc said.. "sammy says lift your right leg and raise your left hand up" so you have to lift your right leg and raise your left hand. but if the mc just said, "put your head up" so don't do that. cause it's impossible. -_-

the next game is *I don't know what its name*, have you ever known game in TV program? KOMUNIKATA. yep, simply same like that. but the different are, we whispered the clues in english words, from the rear whispered forward, and the most forward person have to guess the word by talk and write the word on the paper. If he/she is false, the next behind her must answer it, if false too, the next behind until the last person who whispere the clues. no action, no loud speak, no another commands..
"have you gotten tired guys?" MC said, but the participants said no. wow, whereas I am so tired and I back to the committee villa and have asleep fastly, but before I take my camera to Catra, my partner to take some picture of them. this next game is "ACTION". like the previous game but this game have to take an action to tell the clue to your friend. this is really really really funny game.. You can see your f* partner face in their action. How pitty I am, I didnt see that cause I already fall asleep. -___-
here's the pictures, the first is the committee, the MC, luluk and my partner, Bima and another committee give some example to do the game.. xD

this is bima continous the clue by an action to indra..
and indra actions to luluk, the most forward person who have to guess what is that..
guess what lilik? guess what is that, guys? xD 
I can't stop laughing to see these pictures below.. xD
after satisfied playing the games. we get rest.. in the evening the lecture continued. the lecturer is Kak Huda, and the next is a motive sharing by the alumnies.. :) I can't take pictures in this blog because the pictures still have big resolution, I don't compress it yet. sorry.. :))

the day's getting dark and we command the participants to get asleep. Feky is a 'devil' lullaby. and this night they must sleep, really really sleep.. because we have a suprise for them, cooling down and bond fire.. :)

they have sleep because 'cooling down' needs the situation where is their feeling is empty, quite and unconscious. Cooling down is time where the actor plays the drama. singing the 'kuntilanak song' (I mean the song that make our skin crawl.. only vowel lyrics like.. aaaaa...uuuu.aaaa....huuuuuu...) damn, i'm creeped too.. -____- and she's the actress, the almuni, Kak Anis. I always like her, so multi-talented and the wisest personal. :))
before the cooling down, we must waking up the participants. kak anis said that the committees were not wrong if make them afraid, wake them up in bad attitude. I agree. :D and my name was choosen by Reza to wake them up, oh yeah, come to mama darling, just wake up!!! Cece, Lilik, Deasy and I are standing in front of their room, and counting on 3, then we're knocking on the door hardly and shouting, "heyy, wake up,  b*tch, I'll kill you, and punk you head off!!!!!" hahah. no. no.. we're not like that..xD just shouting out loud to make them awaken. 
"bring your slayer!!" I said
"can I bring my jacket?" a girl asked
"can I wear my shoes?"
"hah? it's so cold out there.."
"I mean just wear your sandals not your shoes, it's gonna spend our time! FASTER!!"
"oh okay~"
I shout "FASTER FASTER" in a million times, and try to counting on to make them really faster..
I see the sick girl. do so slow, I just watch her, and talk, "hey you, can you do faster?"
she's silent and keep doing what she has to do. and tell her twice, still silent..
I started afraid, hey, are you a ghost? | noooo, where's a ghost? *she's crying and started dancing 'leak bali'*
oh Goooooddd... >.<
but thats just my imagination. :p
I help her to do her duty and lead her to coming down in front of the hall..

after they are in front of the hall, they're closed their eyes by the headkerchief, and they make a group, and the committee leads them to the center field..
 and this time is the most difficult one for me to take a picture. low light, and I don't know why my camera can be automatic to take a focus. so I have to manual. I try to take a picture and that's the result (see the picture above) -____- and this..
but finally I get my focus. :D 
cooling down is up.. I hear, so many participants are crying. ;) and the two girls are fainted -___-
then, bondfire.. voila!! this is the top of event.. :D firework and bondfire plus talent show.. \(^^)/
I'm tired to tell the story, let the pictures tell you.. :))

this is reading the admire letter, from participant to committee with love.. <3
Grendah to Riezky (hey whats going on?) -___-"
Hanif to Deasy..
David to Kak Ayu
I have an admirer too but she's a girl, and I don't want to share my affair with her.. *embrassing* hahaha. yeah, she's my best friend, Rosita. hy, fans! <3 :p

and talent show..
they are lip-sync.. :D
their talent is Drama, about "bawang putih dan ibu tiri" but I dont know why, in this team, they called bawang putih is brambang putih and played by Dewa, ok, maybe bawang putih loss her identity and gender. replaced be 'brambang' maybe it means bambang to prove that she is a man now -__- *I dont know what I am talking about*

they are dancing "gangnam style" and the leader is Lyna. the committe. how enthusiast she is! xD
and they are.. hmm.. maybe try to be a presenter. :D and boy with shawl is Gatot who is be Rhoma Irama. they are so funny guys xD
this is choir. ahahaha.
pantomime. a boy with a 'ball' is the highest paid haha..
they are recovering Bruno Mars' song -just the way you are- ;)
and percussion.. :))

and enough for day two..
for the next day I will post it later..
feel so tired..
thank you for reading.. ;)

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